Thursday 5 July 2012

Hidden Treasures

Last year I did some work in museums and I would like to share some of the incredible, personal objects that are kept away in the back rooms.

Most museums have the vast majority of their objects out of view from the public. This is an unfortunate but inevitable result of not enough funding, not enough staff and a long history of each institution having decades of donations from the public, slowly filling up the stores. Once an item is accepted by a museum it becomes an accessioned object and is actually legally protected and can never be destroyed, or released from that museum’s collection.  Each piece has unique number (unique only to that institution as our regional museums are not connected through any network) kept on their records with who donated it, when and a description of the piece. Many of our museums were founded in the 19th century during a time of philanthropy and enthusiasm for archaeology and history in general and much of these collections date from then.  Many of the objects have never been on display which is such a shame because they are so interesting.

Cussions for newborns. Now extinct English tradition

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